
With Katrina, people thought the meteorologic event was just a black swan. It was not, and we realized that earth is switching gears to a different era in climate change. Recent events, from September 2017, re-affirm a theory which was loudly shouted from the scientific community – humans are influencing Read more…

T47 Expenses – Software Updates

Version 1.92 – 20 October 2017 fixed some of bugs regarding expenses and vendors added “Find Vendor” by location using Web APIs added “vendor card” picture This version is a step forward on getting more control on the vendors. The feature which was added is visible on the Vendors tab Read more…

Blog gyrations

The blog you are reading does not have a clear orientation because we have a few categories defined internally on topics we like to share: consulting – we are still doing it and have another website where details of our process are better explained entrepreneur – hope to still can Read more…

Make your app different in Play Store

Our release was not only to show ourselves that (maybe) we can penetrate an aglomerate offering but mostly because we foresaw some possible fat tail options. We left the application under-developed (so-to-speak) because the efforts might not bear fruit and might exist just in our imagination. In order to expand Read more…