I don’t know about you but in a front of blank html page I have chills. I know what is coming from the data layer, what is the user interaction but have big problems and spent a lot of time fussing about html elements, their placement, colours, jQuery code. When bootstrap came along, it solved a lot of gaps (from my point of view).
First, with a few pages you can have an elegant web site. Until that moment I used WP and Joomla. Nice, but with forced solutions when you need to add tables, specific layouts, CSS elements, etc… With bootstrap, everything went smoothly:
- login pages are galore
- layouts are everywhere
- dashboard examples in any corner
- all other html elements are easy to add
- jQuery add-ons are so elegant …
Yes, I heard the complaints the bootstrap is like a flood, everything looks the same, but the gain in time spent on the web interface is HUGE !